Simple Living

All of life can be summed up with just a few words, but what’s the fun in that. One can live a very simple life just by being. What you are being is up to you and very personal. You can be, you can not be, you can love, you can hate. It’s all in how you want it to be. Now, I didn’t say this was easy. I think people misunderstand simple with easy. Keeping thing simple may be one of the hardest things you will ever do. Other people will try to complicate it and even you will try to complicate it. I can say this because I try to complicate things all the time! I heard that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, but where’s the fun in that? It takes a lot of effort to keep things simple and to not get caught up in the middle parts. I’m here to tell you that it is possible and it is attainable. You can keep things simple by just stopping for a moment and taking a deep breath, hopefully near some trees and not surrounded by a city full of cars. Take a stoll in the park and disconnect for a while. Breathe deeply and appreciate your unique spot in this world. It’s made better just by you being here.


Depression Sucks