…Just waiting on the bus….

  I’ve seen two separate moments of someone waiting for the city bus and sitting on the concrete sidewalk.  Two things come to my mind.  Why isn’t there a bench for this person to sit on and and also, why can’t this person just stand there and wait?  Several other questions come to mind after my initial inquiry.  Do they have a medical issue and can’t stand for a long time?  Are they lazy and just sit down?  Why hasn’t the city mandated that benches go at every bus stop?  All this runs through my mind as I whiz by this person in my car while going somewhere to do something.  I don’t want to forget about those people.  As a member of society, I feel that I have to log into my memory that there is a person there and they aren’t just a piece of garbage.  Even garbage gets attention when I pick it up and throw it away.  Humans aren’t the same thing as garbage and they shouldn’t be treated as such or be made to feel as such.  What does it say about us as a society that there are so many people that feel worthless and don’t even have the capacity or ability to stand and wait. 

  So what am I trying to sell here?  Not something that can be quantified by ads, which is why you don’t see any ads popping up as you read this.  I’m selling an idea of togetherness.  I’m trying to sell you the thing that I feel in my heart, love.  I’m not selling it the way that humans have for millenia, I’m trying to convey that love is there.  Love is here.  Love is all around, but we are all so hurt, that we can’t see with love.  We see with hurt.  I’m reading books by don Miguel Ruiz and I’m beginning to understand what he means by emotional poison and how we go around with our bodies covered in emotional wounds.  Maybe if I continue to read those books, I’ll see what he’s trying to sell.  I’ll hopefully see what his Toltec wisdom is trying to convey.     




Depression Sucks